When the going gets tough, what will the tough do?

I was at a Rita Springer concert this last fall. During the concert, she made the following statement, "The Lord told me, I would only write songs out of what I've walked through. I was never to write songs from something I've never experienced." At the time, it kind of bothered me. Obviously, I like to share my opinion and I thought, "Really? Can we not share truth about things we've never experienced?" As time has gone on I am beginning to understand the value of what she said.

Another statement I've often heard people say is, "when you are experiencing times of peace, you should be doing all you can to prepare for times of battle." I had a chance this morning to look through my journal two years ago. I was amazed at how much truth, "how to steps" I was receiving and words of encouragement. At that time in my life, I was faithfully journaling and now I am so grateful for that.

A while back, I wrote about how I felt I was in a desert place. I was hoping I was in the Carcoss Desert (the world's smallest desert) but it appears I might be in the Sahara. Ah well, this morning I realized it was time to stop feeling bad for myself and lamenting about where I am at and that it was time for me to walk out the things that I have learned and taught.

I titled this post, "when the going gets tough what will the tough do" because I asked myself that this morning. I have written and received much truth. Have I "experienced and walked it all out?" Some of the things yes, some of the things no. But I am being presented with the opportunity to apply those truths that I learned in my real life (not just theory) and I am going to do it. Everything I've written over the last year I believe is true. It is summed up in the vision of For His Glory: I believe God is a God of love desires His people to experience freedom in their daily lives. If you are in a time of peace, enjoy and gather up your resources. If you are in a time of battle, be strong, take heart and do that which you know is right.

In Christ,

PS I added a Rita Springer song to my site as the main song this month. It goes along with today's post.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet lady - Remember to walk forward in the battle , wearing the armour of a God's girl! Just as I am doing along with you .. When the tough gets going, it means God has already been there, and won the battle!!
