Book Review: God's Little Princess Devotional Bible

I recently had the opportunity to review God's Little Princess Devotional Bibleby Sheila Walsh. This devotional Bible is for little girls only and is appropriate for ages 4-7. It includes direct Scripture from the International Children's Bible and little devotional sections like:
  • “Beauty Secrets,”
  • “Down in my heart”
  • “Take A Bow”
  • “I Adore You” and more
Before I received the book I was skeptical of the “princess theme;” I was afraid it would be overdone to the point of sickening. I was quite wrong. The book beautifully highlighted the value of who my daughter is in the eyes of her King. Each section began with 2 pages of straight Scripture. It was followed by a devotion which did a wonderful job applying the truths of Scripture in an age appropriate manner. My daughter and I especially enjoyed the “Taking a Bow” section where we were able to act out the Bible story. I highly recommend this Devotional Bible. The only draw back has been the fact that my 4 year old wants to read it all by herself and she can't read yet.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. We got this Bible as a gift from Mommer when Alexa was just a baby, we haven't started reading it with her yet but I have read parts of it before and have enjoyed it for the most part.

    Glad you liked it!

    BTW - Do you mind if I "borrow" your disclosure for the future - I forget to add that part in.

  2. This sounds great - that's just the kind of thing I pray for my little girl.
