Breathe Deep

With the arrival of sunshine and spring there is a smell of newness in the air.  For me, there is nothing like tipping my head back in the warm sunshine and just taking in a deep breath.  A breath of life, a breath of hope, a breath of healing.

A discontentment sometimes settles into my soul because life isn't always peaceful, it isn't always joyful and I am not always living the way my mind wishes that I would live.  But in the discontentment I often get the gentle reminder that He is here with us, in the mess, in the darkness and in the yuckiness.  He isn't wishing it all away and He isn't discontent.

Life is life and He knows it.  

I heard a sermon recently and one line popped out in my mind and I can't let it go, "HE WANTED TO BE WITH THEM."  He Jesus, wanted to be with His disciples.  And do you know what his final earthly lines were: "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20)."  He didn't just want to be with them, He wants to be with us -

He IS with us.

Today may you tip your head back and absorb this truth - He is with you Always.  It's an invitation into newness, into grace, into strength for today.

In Christ,

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