
 cascading off of marble walls.
incased in beauty.
Structures of success,
left empty inside.
today is measured
by what we create
But what do we do when
we've reached the epitome of success
and look around to see that we are standing there
Those are the modern day images I think of when I reflect on 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Often times, I feel that we are taught to measure our lives based solely upon our successes, yet rarely are we taught to love, challenged to love.  It is easier, much easier to achieve than to turn the other cheek and to love.
Yet the way we see God explain how He weaves Himself into our lives is in the dailyness of it all.
Love it is patient.                                                                                                                fails.
  Love it is kind.                                                                                                            it never
        It does not envy.                                                                                              Love
            It does not boast. It is not proud.                                                       It always perseveres.
                It is not self-seeking.                                                                 It always hopes.
                     It keeps no record of wrong.                                         It always trusts.
                                                     Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders fail.
My heart aches when I see brokenness.  Broken lives. Broken marriages. This wasn't the design. This wasn't the intention. It wasn't how we were built to be.  I pray that my heart never becomes callous to the pain I feel when I encounter this brokenness. 
Yet, I see, know and understand that He hasn't abandoned us. Nor has He ignored us. 
May we understand that the little decisions we make everyday.  The choices to love and forgive. To choose to trust, to choose to hope, to choose to persevere - those are the things that truly matter.  Those are the foundational truths upon which our homes are built.
Let us learn how to incorporate Christ into our daily lives, our daily decisions, our daily choices. This is where He belongs.
In Christ,

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