Conflicting Kingdoms

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When I woke up this morning, the first email I read in my comfortable bed was discussing ISIS and the people trying to escape cruelty for a better life.  My mind started spinning as I went from these large world issues, to remembering/praying for the life issues that those around me are currently carrying and then moving from there I went into an even smaller arena - to my personal issues that I bring before the Lord.  As I went from there into quiet time, I prayed these thoughts:

Lord, these life issues seem larger than I am.  While I don't want to be callous to what is going on, worldwide, I also need to see your hand in our personal individual lives.  I know that you love us and you are up to something larger than we can imagine but I need You personally, my loved ones need You and our world at large need You.

After doing my quiet time, I went for a run and decided to listen to a sermon instead of music.  It was Todd Hunter's sermon:

Kingdoms In Conflict - September 6, 2015

If you listen to the first five minutes of this sermon you will see that it ends up being a direct conversation with my prayer this morning.  It was also a reminder that my prayer, isn't a new prayer nor will it be an old prayer.  Because of this we do not need to lose heart.  If your heart resonates with this prayer I would encourage you to listen to the whole sermon as Todd reminds us of who God is in the midst of world and personal chaos, the need for the church and finally for personal devotion to God.

In Christ,

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