Homeschooling: Science Update

Hello All,

I know I said I only try to talk about homeschooling once a year but my last post left one subject hanging: science.  I was reading my friend Amber's blog the other day and she off-handily mentioned the science curriculum she was using: R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey.  I decided to check it out and I am super-pleased!  This is the perfect curriculum for my personality type and to satisfy the unquenchable desire of my daughter to learn science.

So far I've been impressed with everything I saw.  The website is well-designed and does a great job explaining the curriculum.  They also have a generous section of "try before you buy" samples.  We already did two lessons this week and all of us enjoyed ourselves!  This is a HUGE thing because I normally dread doing science.  The beginning of the curriculum lists all the materials you will need to conduct the labs.  I looked at the LIFE Science curriculum and we already have 90% of what we need.  I love that.  But it also makes it easy to plan ahead and be prepared, which I also need.

The best part of all is that they have e-books!!!!!!!  I am so impressed by this, especially in this day in age.  The e-books are 25% off this month, which makes this curriculum very affordable - which I also love!!!

I was so excited, I had to share.

In Christ,

Disclaimer: This is just a personal review of stuff I came across on my own.  There is nothing in it for me.

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