Excellent Book: A Heart for Freedom

Last night, I finished an incredible book called A Heart for Freedom by Chai Ling.  The back of the book describes it best:

The dramatic and fascinating story of Chai Ling,
commander-in-chief of the student protesters at Tiananmen Square
and witness to the massacre of thousands of Chinese civilians.
Risking imprisonment and possible death for her leadership role
in the student democracy movement,
she was on the run in China for ten months while
being hunted by the authorities. She eventually escaped to the U.S.,
completed her education at Princeton and Harvard,
found true love, and became a highly successful entrepreneur.
 But her desperate quest for freedom, purpose,
and peace—which she had sought in turn through academic achievement,
romantic love, political activism, and career success—was never
satisfied until she had an unexpected encounter with a formerly forbidden faith.
Her newfound passion for God led to her life’s greatest mission:
Fighting for the lives and rights of young girls in China.

This book was excellent on so many levels.  I was 11 years old when the attack on Tiananmean Square took place.  I remember seeing a picture on the front of Time magazine and I always knew that people died that day, but I had no idea why.  This book did an excellent job explaining the historical whys behind the Tiananmean Square events.  It also gave me great admiration and love for the people of China and their desire for freedom.  In addition, the book gave me insight into how first generation immigrants to America might feel even though they are now "free" their past still has huge impacts on them.  The book is excellent if you are just looking at it for those reasons.  But to top it off, she has become a daughter of God in the last two years!

The incredible impact that the love of God has had on this tremendously inspiring woman is beyond words.  He truly is a Redeemer, healer and lover of people's souls.  As a result of her love for God she has launched a new movement of God's love to set the people of China free.  Her specific focus is to end gendercide through her initiative called All Girls Allowed.  Whether you are interested in the book (which I hope you are) or not, please stop by this website.  100% of donations goes straight to the cause of helping the women of China!  Their four focuses are: help end gendercide, educate abandoned girls, rescue trafficked children, and defend mothers from forced abortions.  37 million girls have been lost to China due to the One Child Policy.  However, Chai Ling has not been overcome by the tremendous weight of this statistic.  She is calling us to make a difference and after you read her life story, you will understand how the Father has equipped this beautiful woman to be a leader.  She truly believes through the love of Christ, we can make an impact in one generation.

I guarantee this book will rock your heart!

In Christ,

Disclosure: I received this book free of charge for the purpose of review.  All opinions are mine and mine alone.  I do have Amazon affliate links in this post.

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