Guest Post: Never Say Never

This post is a guest post from my cousin Amanda.  On January 6, 2010 her precious daughter Layla Rae went to be with the Lord after 34 minutes of life on earth.  Her story can be found at:  Thanks again Amanda for sharing your story.

So I have to be really honest. I have really learned so much from these past few months. Especially when it comes to talking about children and absolutes!!

A young couple came looking for an apartment along with their 2 year old son. To me he was behaving very well while his parents asked questions and looked at some apartments. Later on in the office the little boy was trying to sneak a glass of water from our water dispenser. The mom quickly snapped at him and then very frustrated said to me “never have kids!”

At that moment I wanted to say…I would give anything to have my daughter back!

She did not know that just 6 weeks ago I had to say good bye to my beautiful and perfect Layla.

At that moment I realized how quick we are to wish that our current situation would somehow be different than what it is now.

She wished that she didn’t have to ‘mess’ with her son.

While I was wishing I could just hold her for one more minute!!

Have you ever caught yourself saying that about your children?
Wishing that they would stop making so much noise,
stop asking so many questions or just needing too much attention from you?

Can you imagine coming home to a house where it was one child quieter,
where there were no more questions being asked, or no one begging
you to ‘come see this mom/dad!!’

I know sometimes we say stuff in haste, but just be mindful of those
(like us) who have lost their child or even those who can never have children!!!


1 comment:

  1. I tagged you (if you have time)
    Love ya
