
I know I've been quieter on the blogging front lately. There have been several reasons but one of the main reasons is I was helping plan the 2nd Annual Carnival in celebration of my niece Nevaeh Rae Wallace's life. The event helped raise money for the Playroom of Hope (it is a brand new website, check it out!), a playroom being built in honor of Nevaeh's life at Wisconsin Children's Hospital. The playroom will provide a place for siblings to go and be kids while their brother/sister is being treated at the hospital. The event was held on Valentine's Day (Nevaeh's birthday) and it turned out to be an AMAZING event. We were hoping to raise between $7,000-$8,000 and we ended up raising over $12,0000!!!! We had an amazing response from companies and individuals donating items plus we had a ton of generous people show up.

Below is the video that was played during the event. It will give you a small picture of the amazing little girl Nevaeh Rae was on earth and a slight glimpse of the year and a half embedded into the fabric of my family's life forever:

Sunday was truly a bittersweet day. It was sooooo busy that we barely had time to think much less mourn. But seeing Nevaeh on t-shirts, and my sister-in-law with a pink bow attached to her shirt provided a constant reminder as to who was missing that day. For me it also started the "countdown" to it really almost being a year since she was last here on earth. Her last party had been a very special day to everyone; at the time it had been a big sigh of relief and a celebration that she had made it through the "hardest" season of her life. This was suppossed to be the "honeymoon" period where she just got to be a little girl and we could all just enjoy her without worry. No one would have believed that just 2 short months later she would be gone.

So that helps explain why I've been silent lately. Thank you again for your support to our family during this difficult year.

In Christ,


  1. Jaime,
    Thanks so much for sharing this video. It was precious and brought tears to my eyes. I was praying for your family on Sunday and I am so glad that the benefit went so well.
    Love you.

  2. I have been praying for you, sweet lady.. Not a day usually goes by that you have not been brought to mind by the Lord. I am so praise full at seeing what the Lord has done through this experience for you all. May God be praised, and His Name be Lifted High!! You are loved, and a blessing, girl...

  3. I know they have appreciated everything you have done for do we!!!

    Love you girl!!!
