Love & War

Did you know John & Stasi Eldredge have a new book called Love & War? As you probably already know by now I really love the stuff written by John and Stasi. This particular book is focused on marriage and it's caption is "Finding the Marriage you've Dreamed of." My husband and I started the book last night and only made it through the introduction, but it already started stirring things in my heart. Below I will be sharing two paragraphs that really stood out to me; to give you some context the introduction is sharing the words that John said to a couple on their wedding day, the following came out of the charge to the couple:

"In choosing marriage you have chosen an assignment at the frontlines in this
epic battle for the human heart. You will face hardship, you will face suffering,
you will face opposition and you will face a lie. The scariest thing a woman ever
offers is to believe that she is worth pursuing, to open her heart up to pursuit,
to continue to open up her heart and offer the beauty she holds inside, all the
while fearing it will not be enough. The scariest thing a man ever chooses is to
offer his strength without knowing how things will turn out. To take the risk
of playing the man before the outcome is decided. To offer his heart of strength
while fearing it will not be enough.

A lie is going to come to both of you, starting very soon, in subtle and not so
subtle ways. It can't be done. It's too hard. We had unrealistic expectations.
It isn't worth it. The lie to you, Megan, will be 'You are nothing more than a
disappointment.' The lie to you Daniel, will be 'You are not man enough for this.'
And so, I have two words for you today. Words that I want you to keep close in your
hearts as you forward: You are. Megan, you are radiant, you are. Daniel, you are a
man, you are strong, and you are valiant. You have what it takes. Hold this close
to you hearts. It can be done. And it is worth it (pgs. 5&6)."

Stasi comments that these words are lost on the new couple because they are filled with the excitement of the day and the newness of love. The words, however, were more for the audience, those who had entered marriage and are living it out. I don't know where you are in your marriage but hopefully some of these words in those two paragraphs have sparked a desire within you to continue pursuing the beauty and worth of marriage. Proverbs 29:18 says,

"Without a vision the people perish."

In America today, we see marriages perishing all over and the church is no exception. Even if divorce doesn't take place there are many marriages that are just two people living together yet remaining strangers. I am excited about reading this book because I know that John is an artist of drawing a picture of God's heart for His people and in this case marriage. In this new year may you embrace a renewed vision for your marriage and go after that which God intended and not settle for second best.

In Christ,

Get Healthy for Hope has officially started. I currently am being sponsored by 4 people for a total of $12 a pound. Let me tell you, it is very motivating to lose these pounds when there is money and purpose on the line! It is not too late for you to get involved. I am still looking for sponsors in my goal to lose 10 pounds. In addition, you also can make a goal to lose weight and be sponsored. Whether you have 5 pounds, or 30 to lose you can get involved. In addition to qualifying for the drawing for a $50 gift card, you have a chance to win a Nintendo Wii!!! The person who raises the most money will win the grand prize of a brand new Wii. Those of you in a family, can combine together and form a team and submit your sponsorship money together. Please consider being a part of this great opportunity.


  1. thanks for posting about this book. i am going to definitely get a copy and give it a read with my husband.

  2. Hey sis.. you have an award waiting for you at whenever you want a sweet glass of lemonade.. You inspire me, deeply, by your understanding of God's Word... love you.. and pray for your Armour to be made stronger!!

  3. That is so cool that the two of you are reading the book together! Wish I could get my husband to read. He won't, so I highlight all the good stuff, and read it to him.

    Here's a little nugget on husbands that my author coach shared with me:

    When the Bible describes the husband as the 'head' of the household, it doesn't necessarily mean he's the 'boss.' It means he's like the soldier at the front of the line, taking all brunt of the battle, and carrying the heaviest responsibility, so the wife is protected and kept safe. Isn't that awesome?

