I'm Back

I'm back from 2 full weeks of vacationing!!! It was a beautiful 14 days (it was supposed to be 13 but thanks to a blizzard in WI we were able to steal one more day in Florida). Below are some pics.

Part 1 Anna Maria Florida with my family

Right to Left: Myself, Erica (sister-in-law), Wendy (sister), Laura (sister). This was the first time we had all been together since 4 years ago at Thanksgiving.

My sister-in-law Erica is a photographer, so she did some family photos on the beach for us. It was an extremely windy day!

Most of the cousins on the trolley. Isaac (behind pole), Mikey, Cade, Mercea, Jonny, Josh (my hubby), Mercea and Dustin (my brother).

Baby Ellie and I had a lot of bonding time. It was the first time we met but we clicked. I gladly
took on the duty of putting her down for naps.

Part 2: Disney with my husband's family
Weston, Nolan, Mercea, James and Brielle

My little princess Mercea with Cinderella's fairy godmother.

James loves the Chronicles of Narnia. Here he is with Prince Caspian.

Due to a blizzard in Wisconsin our vacation ended with an extra day at Disney a beautiful 86 degree day. The next day we flew home to 17 inches of snow in our city! The temperature as we drove home: 1 degree, with the windchill -20 degrees! It took 3 1/2 hours with a snow blower to clear our driveway so we could park in iy. Even so, it is still good to be home. Thank you for your prayers while we were gone. I hope you enjoyed the guest posts and thanks again to those beautiful ladies who stepped in! I hope to produce a blog post in the near future.


  1. Hello from Romania ,
    please read the blog – My heart His words – at Humbled and convicted , my friend Tammy Nischan from Kentucky wrote them the story and some pictures of some hungryes poors kids , what we try to help them in future and especialy for Christmas .Our LORD will be so proud of us if we will do something!
    I love you blog,
    sweet blessings and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  2. HI sweet lady! It is currently snowing here, too, in our small mountain town.. Not 17 inches , YET, but its white, its powdery, and its beautiful.. I am so glad you are home, and refreshed, raring to go on posting awesome blog posts once again. I can't wait until you do that for us all!
    I am glad you are back, friend.. Have enjoyed, so much, your moms posts, and Ms. Latina's as well.. awesome writers, dear friend!

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
    Hey, my hubby has a Weston in his family also. It's a name we don't here very often. Our son's name is James.
    Merry Christmas

  4. What beautiful pictures of you and your family! It looks like you had such a great time, I'm so glad!
