Eagle or Seagull?

I was driving past a dump the other day. It was a windy day and above the dump were hundreds of seagulls "soaring" around the dump. I began thinking in my mind about the differences between a seagull and eagle and I began to wonder how we as Christians actually tend to live.

Seagulls are scavengers. They like to live above the trash and look at it all the time. They don't want to miss out on any of the junk. Like eagles they can "soar" on the wind but they choose to stay close to the earth and all the trash.

Eagles on the other hand build their nests high on the cliffs. When they soar on the wind they soar high above the earth. They have been given keen eyesight and when they need to eat they see the tiny item that they need to attack and they can dive down, grab and attack it with the strength of their legs.

As I said in the last blog I believe the Bible is the inspired Words of God and as a result I think God is very intentional when He chooses analogies for our lives. He chose an eagle on purpose and I think it is important for us to compare our lives to see if we are operating in the fullness of what He purchased for us.

Do you act like a seagull or an eagle? Both birds soar on the wind (the wind in the Bible is often compared to the Holy Spirit). But where do you let the Holy Spirit take you? Do you only allow Him to raise you high enough to see your trash and the trash of those around it? Are you obsessed with your sins and the sins of those around you and you sit with your Christian friends squawking about each others sins and the sins of this world?

Or are you like an eagle? Do you allow the Holy Spirit to take you to the heights, where the things of this world become strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace (line from "Fix Your Eyes on Jesus")? Do you soar in the glory of the Holy Spirit and in the strength that He has placed in you? There are times when we do become aware of the things of this earth, our prey and we return to the earth with great precision and insight because He has pointed out something for us to attack and take. We attack with strength; it dies and then we return to the heights.
Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles.

Psalm 103:2-5
Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

I pray you get the chance to soar today above the pits that you have been redeemed from into the beauty of the things He has for you this day.


  1. I think I’m about ready to be an eagle~thanks for being a willing vessel for the Lord to share these wonderful insights through.

  2. What about the chicken, safe on the ground pecking around and being fed, not going anywhere! I hate to admit it, that's how I feel!

  3. I did think about that:) esp since we own chickens now. When God refers to us as chicks, He is the mother hen and it is referring to a place of protection. He holds us close to His heart and in a place of protection (Isaiah 40:11). But I believe in regards to the things of this world, He asks us to rise up through the power of the Holy Spirit away from the worries of this world. Good question:)

  4. I truly enjoyed this post. It was beautifully written and the message was well received. It was just what I needed to hear right now actually.

  5. religious blogs freak me out. please find yourself something useful to do.

  6. Awesome! Keep Writing.

    At the moment I have a seagull who visits me now and again (window sill at work). I went away for 3 weeks and colleagues said they saw him once. The day I came back there he was, back again. So I'm thinking hmmm what's with the seagull huh? There's a connection between the spiritual and the natural so think this blog is spot on. It fits my context.
    Think I need to 'eagle - eyes' rather than 'seagull - eyes' which only comes on the wings of the wind.

    "Love lifts us up where we belong where the eagle flies ... "
