Smorgasbord Tuesday: Green Tea Frappuccino

So I've managed to avoid the Starbucks craze for how many years now?? But about 2 months ago my good friend stopped by my house and dropped me off a Green Tea Frappuccino. It was good; in fact too good! I have since had 3 of them and now I watch for Starbucks. I understand my other friends (you know who you are) who want to stop at Starbucks whenever they can. Addicting!

Well, just like my new Starbucks' addiction I'm also becoming addicted to Ephesians 4:2. I've already talked about this particular verse two times, but here is for the third time:

Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

During the last month, having this verse on the forefront of my life has been a lifesaver and a delicious blessing. I have times in my life where I know conflict is coming; it's pretty predictable. Do you? I have been entering those moments with this verse as my defense mechanism instead of my old "self-protective" methods (which always led to conflict).

I recently used this verse and it again ended up being very helpful to me. In this particular case, I knew conflict was brewing and I breathed in, and said this verse in my head. The verse ends with the word, love and I prayed, "But I don't feel like loving right now, what is love anyway?" And the Holy Spirit brought to mind 1 Corinthians 13 "Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy... it keeps no record of wrong." Oh yeah, "Keeps no record of wrong. I think I'm doing the opposite of that right now." So I proceeded to deal with my own heart issues, instead of what I perceived to be the other individual's issues. And guess what, no conflict ensued. Instead, there was peace and on top of that peace, I was giving an additional blessing from the other individual that was totally unexpected and refreshing.

So I'm not usually a person who promotes addictions. But I am becoming addicted to Ephesians 4:2 and I invite you to become addicted too! It is surprisingly refreshing and enjoyable verse to add into your daily life.

If you've had any "positives" with this verse over the last month, I'd love to hear about it!

Be Blessed,
P.S. If you have a moment stop by and read this blog post: Tiny Dental Mirrors by Adjusting to the World! I was blessed by it so I had to share it with you!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing, this is such a loaded verse, one that I need to apply more. As a side note: I am so pumped you used a starbucks example!! (I saw it and started my craving my "drink" right away!! Yum.

  2. Wow! Thanks so much for the affirmation on my post yesterday! That meant so much, and I'm so glad that you were blessed by what God has been showing mee, too.

    And as for this verse......I think I need to recite it about a hundred times before I go into a certain recurring social event in my life. (I'm sparing you of too many details...can you tell?) Thank you for the reminder that God gives us a handbook of gems to help us with real, everyday situations. Sometimes I think we forget how practical His Word is. Thanks for the reminder today.
