For those of you who don't know me well let me take a moment to tell you one piece of my story. I have had the opportunity to lead Women's Groups over the last 5 years. This happened because my sister Wendy and I were blessed with having our sons 3 1/2 weeks apart. As stay-at-home Moms, we decided to begin reading books together to learn how to love our husbands better. Through the process, we grew in love for our husbands and in relationship and accountability with one another. It was a beautiful summer together. In the fall of that year, our church was offering a study of Waking the Dead by John Eldredge at night. Since my sister and I had young children it wasn't going to work out for us to go. She volunteered me to lead the study at her home during the day. So for the last 5 years, I have been leading/co-leading Women's studies. My sister pushed me off the ledge and I have been falling more in love with God and with freedom for women ever since!
This fall, I am taking a step of faith and leading/co-leading two studies instead of one! To say, I don't have fears (or haven't said to myself, "What in the world were you thinking!") would be an understatement, but I am very excited too. I just got done glancing through the two books I will be doing and all I can say is WOW! Both studies are amazing and I just feel blessed to have an excuse to be a part of both of them.
So here are the studies and the dates and times the studies will be taking place. If you are in the area mark your calendars and please come, not for me, but for an opportunity to grow more and more in love with God!
1. He Loves Me by Wayne Jacobsen. The back of the book states: "Do you find yourself picking through circumstances like a child plucking daisy petals, attempting to figure out whether or not God loves you? If you find yourself least certain of His love in those critical moments when you most need to trust Him, there is hope for you.
I'm only 3 chapters in to the book but it is amazing!
This study will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays beginning Wednesday September 9th from 9:00 am-11:00 am. This study will meet in my home, and children will be present. It is always and adventure but it is a worthwhile one! I co-lead this group with my friend Correna; we make a great team!
2. Study 2 is: Breaking Free:Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life by Beth Moore. This 11-week study requires you to spend personal time on your own throughout the week in God's word! Then we will meet once a week for group discussion and a 50-minute video presentation.
This study will be meeting once a week beginning Thursday, September 10th from 6:30-8:30pm. We will meet at Mad City Church Offices and there will be no child care present. I am still working out the details of how this will look and function...
You do not have to go to Mad City Church to participate in any of these studies, but you do have to be a lady (sorry to my guy readers). If you want the opportunity to be in fellowship with others and fall deeper in love with God then these are a couple of opportunities!!
If you aren't able to come because of time or location, I am sure you will hear a lot more from both resources in my blog! Still consider picking up one of them and finding ladies in your area to go through it with you.
Have been wanting to do the "Breaking Free" study for some time now and really hope that I can fit it into my schedule to be a part of it.