Familiar Places

Old familiar places.
Old familiar faces.
Why do you return?
To open doors that have been shut?

You lead me to a place I did not want to return.
You leave me in a place of

So Lord I return to you with my head hung low
asking for you to RISE
again against those old familiar places.
To speak your words of truth to those
old familiar faces.
To close the doors that they shall not open again.

Then you take my by the hand and lead me to
a place I did not know before.
A place of your glory, a place of your light.
You lift my face and I gaze into the eyes of the
One who holds me tight.

So whether this fight ends today or not
I thank you for holding me by your side.
You never let me go or out of your sight.
You are my Saviour, the One I love and need.
Show me your grace again tonight.

Let your arms take me to the new familiar place.
Let your eyes be the new comforting face.
May I never leave this place.

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