Amazing Grace

This blog is from my journal over a year ago, so I don't know how it will come out but the topic is what I needed to hear today. I hope you are blessed.

At the time this was written I had just recently finished watching Amazing Grace the story of John Wilberforce. He was a politician in England in the 1800's. Slavery was legal at the time and many politicians were profiting from the slave trade so they did not want to see it stop. John Wilberforce fought for 15 years to try and get the slave trade ships stopped in England. He had only 4 men supporting him in his cause. Scenes from the movie show him shouting and you can't even hear him because the jeering was so loud it overcame him. Yet he remained persistant in the face of adversity. Eventually, he received what he was fighting for and slave trade was halted in England.

Jesus has truly set us free but the enemy remains very real in our lives. We do have ultimate victory but at times we feel defeated and overcome by the enemy. We forget we are free because of the struggles in our lives. We deal with depression, anger, marriage problems, etc and we forget the truth. The beautiful part of the movie was even though things weren't changing John Wilberforce kept proclaiming the truth even though nobody could hear him.

John Wilberforce is a picture of Jesus in our lives. Jesus is daily proclaiming truth over our lives (Romans 8:34 Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.) At times the situations of your life are louder than His voice, but He keeps crying out and He will not stop crying until your total freedom is granted!

I also think you should see from this example that TIME is NOT an issue for your life just like time was not an issue for John Wilberforce. He fought for 15 years and did not give up. Maybe you have been struggling with an issue for 3 years, 12 years, 16 years or more. You may have been a Christian this whole time too. I want you to know that this message hasn't changed and that Jesus is still proclaiming truth over your life:

You are a child of God.

He wants you to experience total

and complete freedom.

Isaiah 61:1-2 "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor.

So beloved stop listening to the noise around you. Quiet yourself and hear the voice of Jesus proclaiming your freedom and receive it.

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